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"You do, Daddy. You own me."He pushed deeper into me. It felt like he was going to tear me apart with his manhood."Tell me what you need, little boy." I need you, Daddy. I need you to fuck me. I need to serve you." Where were these words coming from? I didn't know but they kept coming as he kept pushing deeper inside of me. "I need to be yours, to please you, to make you proud of me. I want to be the perfect boy for you. I want to do whatever you want me to do. I will be good for you, Daddy. I. As she tastedher first mouthful, she smiled and I knew he had done well with themeal. As Jen tasted the delicious seafood, she looked at me and smiled herappreciation. When she did, she noticed the sparkle of my earrings. Upto this point, I had been so busy that she had not seen them. With outbeing too obvious, she studied them carefully. Not only were my earspierced, but also they were double pierced and I was wearing two lovelypairs of studs. She smiled again just managing to suppress a. There has been some ‘tension’ between them.”Mister Mason chuckled. “Somehow, I believe that might be an understatement.” He chuckled some more.Karen came in then and said, “Dinner is served.”The delay in eating had harmed nothing. After the prayer, we dug in. Dinner was a simple but very, very good stew with some sudden different flavors in it. Missus Mason had garlic bread with it. I said, “This is excellent! Love, make sure you bring this recipe to our marriage.” I grinned broadly. “We can’t. She closed her eyes and he kissed her eyelids. “It’s this little extra skin the obscures your eyelid.”“Oh, that ... That’s why I could never figure out how to wear eye makeup.”“I’m glad you don’t. Your eyes have a ... dreamy...”“Drowsy?” she suggested.“More sensual than that.” He kissed her lips. Nichelle held the back of his head and relaxed her jaw so their tongues touched. Then, she drove her tongue past Kit’s teeth. He drew back, caressing it with his lips.Kit began awkwardly unbuttoning.
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